Sunday School & Rally Day Information

Sunday School & Rally Day Information

Rally Day: At Rally Day on Sept. 10th, we will will Kick Off the Sunday School year with some fun and exciting activities for Children, Parents, etc. We want everyone to have a wonderful time as we prepare to DIG IN to the Bible. Kids – watch your mailboxes for more information.

Sunday school for Pre-K through 5th grade: We are pleased to announce the Spark Sunday school curriculum for ages 3 through 5th grade. Spark explores Biblical salvation history beginning with stories from Genesis through the life of Jesus and beyond! Sunday school begins on September 17 at 9:15 a.m..

Teaching volunteer needed: We need an interested and enthusiastic volunteer to teach our small 3rd-5th grade class. Teaching material, all supplies, and coaching will be provided so your teaching experience will be as fulfilling for you as it is educational for the kids. Team teachers welcome! Call Pastor Erica for more information. Sunday school begins on September 17 at 9:15 a.m..

Sunday school for 6th-12th grade: We are thrilled to offer the new Colaborate Bible Study curriculum for our 6th-12th grade students. Colaborate utilizes a problem-based teaching method that allows kids to voice questions about Biblically based faith and equips them to think theologically. We have purchased the entire 30-week curriculum which we will supplement with other learning activities throughout the year. Sunday school begins on September 17 at 9:15 a.m..

Adult Bible Study: Think everyone at church knows the Bible better than you do? Don’t know Jerubbaal from Zerubbabel? Have you tried to read the Bible, only to get bogged down in the begats? Starting September 17 at 9:15 a.m., Pastor Erica will lead a weekly class with the goal of teaching participants how to think theologically and study the Bible effectively without a lot of dogma or doctrine! At our first meeting, we will discuss a learning based on attendees’ interests, questions, and hopes for this year’s learning. And, get ready to test your Biblical literacy with a round of Bible Jeopardy!

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