Christian Education
Sunday School for those age 3 – Jr. High are held each Sunday morning at 10:30 am. Classes are divided as follows: Age 3 – Grade 3 and Grade 4 – Jr. High. Our curriculum, with minor adaptations, is based upon the Revised Standard Lectionary and includes both Old and New Testament lessons. We have great stories and active learning activities planned for the year as well as our traditional Christmas program, etc.
We have an active Adult Christian Ed. class that meets Saturday mornings at 9:00AM via Zoom. If you would like to join in the discussion, or just visit to see what’s up, contact Russ Clifford, 712-251-6453 or [email protected]. He’s the guy who can hook you up.
It is the mission of the Westminster Christian Education Committee to make it possible for every member of our faith community to more actively experience God’s presence in their lives, to respond to God’s call in their lives, and to connect their faith to their everyday lives. Please join us.
Building a House of Worship
We hope you had an opportunity to see the “Church” our youth classes constructed over the last several weeks. If not, here are a couple of pictures. After hearing stories of Temple building, King Josiah, King Solomon, etc. the kids put their heads together as to what they feel is needed in a modern day church. Thanks to all the teachers who worked so hard helping the kids with their creation.